4-Letter Word Patterns

Analyzing patterns for 7,044 4-letter words

Each 4-letter word follows a structured pattern where ?1 represents a vowel and ?2 represents a non-vowel. These patterns are designed to be Hashcat & Hashtopolis friendly, allowing you to optimize your password cracking sessions using custom charsets. By selecting specific character sets for vowels and non-vowels, you can significantly narrow down possible combinations and reduce the time required for brute-force attacks. I have created several custom charsets that can be used with these patterns to enhance efficiency. The custom charsets are ordered based on letter frequency. For example, vowels are ordered as eaoiu instead of aeiou based on higher percentage frequency, and non-vowels are ordered as tnshrdlcmfwygpbvkqjxz instead of bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz.

Selected Charset Contents:



Found 14 patterns

# Pattern (Download) Count Percentage Keyspace Hashcat Command (Download)
1 ?2?1?2?2 2,289 31.87% 46.3K
2 ?2?1?2?1 1,536 21.38% 11K
3 ?2?1?1?2 985 13.71% 11K
4 ?2?2?1?2 828 11.53% 46.3K
5 ?1?2?1?2 471 6.56% 11K
6 ?1?2?2?1 244 3.40% 11K
7 ?1?2?2?2 213 2.97% 46.3K
8 ?2?2?1?1 112 1.56% 11K
9 ?2?2?2?1 108 1.50% 46.3K
10 ?1?2?1?1 86 1.20% 2.6K
11 ?1?1?2?2 75 1.04% 11K
12 ?1?1?2?1 46 0.64% 2.6K
13 ?2?1?1?1 42 0.58% 2.6K
14 ?1?1?1?2 9 0.13% 2.6K